A huge volume of beer just went into bottles, for me. The dunkelweizen produced over five gallons of beer. I carbed it with 6 ounces of demerera sugar for an extra hint of flavor.
The dregs taste rich and slightly sweet witb the hint of clove up and in the face after as relatively warm brew. We shall see how it ages.
Outside, someone is setting off fireworks. It is illegal and it happens in the neighborhood from time to time. Even in the deep, dry drought, it happens. I think about selling beer to acquire better and stronger brewing equipment and I would never do it because it is illegal. But, how crazy is it that there isn't a way for homebrewers to self-submit the taxes for our low-volume operations when we sell a little ob the side? Brewing laws are going to need to change to reflect the smaller brew operations of tomorrow. I cant casually sell a little to raise funds for a few bits of equipment. I could do a bake sale, but I couldn't do a beer sale and that is weird.
What other laws need to change to favor and empower the homebrewer?