Saturday, July 12, 2014

Bottling day: red ale

I just finished putting a red ale in the bottle. The kitchen is a mess. When my wife wakes up that will be a thing.

Cleaning is very important. Brewers and homebrewers are basically janitors that briefly boil water.

This is part of the hassle and part of the Zen.

At the homebrew shop yesterday, I thumbed through the titles in the I little bookshelf, and there were more books about growing and marking than there are about cleaning. Really metu clouds, dedicated, thorough professional sanitation is the tg ing that raises the bar for brewers and preserves batches from infection. But, there is not a single book about it. There is no effective designed system beyond StarSan.

And, the book probably wouldn't sell that well, either. We are all more interested in the creative aspect than the zen stuff. We are interested in the glory, not the janitorial work. Even now, I blog instead of cleaning the kitchen!

Tomorrow, Thanksgivingfest.

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